Parménide croyait-il dans les signes de l’Être ?

Remarques sur l’énonciation et la délocution au fragment 8, vers 1-11

  • Anne-Gabrièle Wersinger CNRS UPR 76
Keywords: Parmenides, Being, Pragmatics of enunciation, Signs, Delocution, Homer


The aim of this paper is to introduce an alternative reading of the lines 1-11 of Parmenides’ Fragment 8, focusing on the pragmatics of enunciation, instead of relying exclusively on the logico-analytic linguistic paradigm which, tacitly or not, still dominates contemporary research. The paper begins with a study of the vocabulary of the sign (sêma) in Hesiod, Heraclitus, Herodotus and Homer with the aim of showing that Parmenides’ intention was to solve what must be called a “sematological crisis”, that one may find strikingly exemplified in the Odyssey. It is then shown how, in order to avoid this crisis, Parmenides gives the word “Being” a self-referential and “delocutive” meaning, but at the cost of a pragmatic contradiction.

How to Cite
WersingerA.-G. “Parménide Croyait-Il Dans Les Signes De l’Être ? Remarques Sur l’énonciation Et La délocution Au Fragment 8, Vers 1-11”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 02, Sept. 2013, pp. 229-52, doi:10.34929/sep.vi02.18.