L' inclusion formelle. Essai d’une filiation entre Boulez et Mallarmé

  • Damien Bonnec Université Rennes 2
Keywords: Pierre Boulez, Stéphane Mallarmé, Interpolated Clause, Musical Form, Fold


Boulez met Mallarmé’s poetry in the middle of the twentieth century, that is to say from his first years of composition. Began in 1958 and remained for 30 years, the cycle Pli selon pli is the result of this meeting in which the composer explored differents Mallarmé’s poems. However, if the relationship may be evident and Mallarmé’s influence just circumscribe to five musical pieces, we found, by the analysis of others compositions, that poetry’s latent effects didn’t stop to this pieces but radiated a big part of his music. If we guess the contours and if the relation is so important, we have to estimate the stakes and the expressions of this intense affinity. Pierre Boulez had always refered to the structural power of the mallarméan poetry, limiting most of the time this one at its formal angle. We have to discuss that point of view. That way, we will observe that interpolated clause is a main process which influenced the musical structure of Boulez’s

How to Cite
BonnecD. “L’ Inclusion Formelle. Essai d’une Filiation Entre Boulez Et Mallarmé”. Savoirs En Prisme, no. 04, Sept. 2015, pp. 161-76, doi:10.34929/sep.vi04.74.